Go Fund Me.... ? Go Fund Me!!!!!!!!!

It was weird, but I started my first ever Go Fund Me campaign.  We don't usually need help, so it was (as everything on this journey has been) quite uncomfortable.  Here's the info that was included, along with the link to the campaign itself.  It will remain open indefinitely so please feel free to donate if you are so inclined.  Or, in a year when I'm back on my feet, you can laugh at me for asking for charity but hopefully by that time, I will have paid it forward.  I plan on doing some charity work of my own when I'm physically able.  Well, here it is:


On August 6th, 2017, I landed on the Emergency Room Operating Table for internal bleeding.  One week later on August 15th, I got the call that would change my life.  

At 33 years young, I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Ovarian Cancer.  This has already been a long road, and it will continue to require lots of attention.

Current/accumulated challenges:
Unable to work.  I have been unable to work since surgery on August 6th.  I did have a 3-week window between surgeries in September when I returned to part-time work, but my Oncologist has since removed me from work duties again.  Disability insurance only pays a fraction of my wages, and they pay slowlyyyy.  Jeff can normally supplement my income by working overtime, but he has been unable to do so because he's taking care of me at home every chance he gets.

Doctor visits.  I have had 4 surgeries, weekly blood draws, weekly chemotherapy infusions, PICC line changes, multiple daily prescriptions throughout treatment, constant follow up appointments, etc.

Fertility treatments.  I do not have children yet, but I want them.  Chemotherapy wreaks havoc on your body, including damaging the reproductive system.   Many women are unable to conceive after chemotherapy.  Some are.  There is no surefire way to guarantee that the chemo drugs won't kill or damage all of your eggs.  With that in mind, Jeff and I chose to undergo egg retreival and storage.  We retreived as many eggs as we could, and froze them for future use, either for myself or for a surrogate or even a donation.

Supplies.  I have to use special mouthwash, heated blankets, prescription toothpaste, waterproof armband to protect my PICC line for showering, protective armband for daily wear to keep the PICC line clean and snag-free, special shampoo and conditioner to help keep my hair, dry ice also for my hair,  and an array of foods that we buy because my delicate taste buds crave something one minute, then it repulses me the next minute and it goes to waste.  

This is yet another post that is incredibly uncomfortable for us.  We are usually the givers.  We donate time, money, clothes... yet here we are, asking for help.  We won't need help for long, but we need it for now.  I'm sure we'll bounce right back and be on our feet within a few months of treatment ending, but we really could use some outreach right now.

Please don't feel obligated.  This is not going to make or break us, but it will help.  This is more for the people who have said they wanted to help, but weren't sure how.  Just a few bucks here and there can really add up and get us through this tough time.  

I also have a few items on this Amazon wish list.  Most of the stuff I need has already been purchased out of necessity but there are still a few things I need and a few restaurant gift cards that would be helpful.  

Amazon Wish List

If you have already given, thank you so much.  We are so very grateful for those of you that have already extended a helping hand.  If you can't give financially, please just keep me in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this challenge.  And we WILL get through it!  Thank you all so much <3


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