The Diagnosis and Subsequent Shenanigans

When I got that phone call, the world stopped. I was not paying attention, yet I was hanging onto every word. But then I couldn't recall everything. It was a weird juxtaposition. Is that even the right word?? I have no idea. The surgeon told me that it's rare and she doesn't have much experience with it, so she would refer me to the Oncologist. Her understanding was that I wouldn't need chemo or radiation; I would need one more surgery to remove the rest of the affected ovary that we were trying to preserve and that should be it. Ok, not bad. I can handle this. August 29, 2017 - Oncology and Intro to Chemo Appointment with Oncologist, Dr. R. This is a different doctor from before. This will now be my official oncologist handling my case. There are 3 oncologists on the team, and I had met with one previously when we first did that MRI 2 years ago. So now I've met 2 out of 3, and that ain't bad. Dr. R said we'd sc...